I think only a few, david d., mystery, tyler d, lovedrop, savoy, ever made decent money in this market. I think the "pickup" market is drying up bigtime...so many competing products for so few customers = tighter and tighter margins...so we'll slowly be seeing these "pickup" gurus, one-by-one, morph into general motivational speakers...because that is where the BIG money is and the market for motivational speaking has never dried up.
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Too bad that most of those dudes are really bad at public speaking. Just look at tyler or mehow...
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You don't have to be really good. There are some straight fucking weirdos out there that do "motivational" or "spiritual" speaking and it amazes me how their "Free Talk/Conference at BlahBlahBlah Hotel!" marketing still attracts dozens and dozens of suckers who get duped into the "
" mindset and actually end up buying some thousand dollar "advanced workshop" or some other bullshit products. Look at how long amway has been duping the fuck out of people with their "motivational talks" (30+ years!). All those amway fuckers are weirdos to the fucking max, just like a cult btw.
I'd say David D sucked the community dry....and made millions
Venusian Farts (Mystery, Matador & Lovedrop) probably split $4 million three ways
Owen and Tyler probably split $1 million two ways
Savoy around $600,000
Sinn around $350,000
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Yea this guy from MonaVie, another MLM company that deals with wine, approached me yesterday and he tried to get me into it. At first I thought he liked me, but I was just potential $$ in his eyes. His age: 19, feel sorry for him because the higher-ups are using him like a foot soldier.
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Interesting opinion
However, I think the specialty market of how to seduce women will always exist to some degree.
The current saturated market of teachers and products should eventually filter down to what can produce results.
This forum is a manifestation of "let's sort through the crap and attempt to discover what may be effective."
The main reason I come to this forum is to see what might be working for various individuals in the real world and not necessarily to bash gurus and their theories although that can be entertaining at times.
Those who supplied the baby boom generation with what they wanted like SUV's, Houses, Wine, etc. made a bundle.
Now that the boomers are hitting retirement, maybe someone should write "How To Pickup Old Folks."
A few pickup companies will run out of business this year IMO.
I'd say the small companies like BradP, Sinn, Wygant, el Topo etc will still get by because they still have very little employees and they keep the money.
I definately think Love Systems and RSD will shrink. I don't think Savoy will be making millions anymore and RSD is on the decline too.
Venusian Arts will still get by because of that new book but I don't think they are rich either.
Mehow and Charisma Arts will run out of business this year IMO. They have too many employees and too few costumers right now.
Just look at Mehow, it wasn't long ago he was making big product launches yet apparently most of his staff left last year because he couldn't pay them anymore.
Keep in mind the biggest source of students for these companies was that shit book "the Game" which is old news now and there hasn't been any new TV show in years.
Also more and more normal people are seeing through the bullshit, hence sites like this exist.
Most people don't buy shit overpriced products either and just download them for free instead, if at all. There are also more and more cheap "local coaches" out there. So people who are stupid enough to pay for bootcamps are realizing that they get the same out of those (getting pushed into sets, a few tips etc) than out of any gay instructor from any big company.
Why do I care about this? Because I think people should earn their money. If I pay money to some professional I expect some professional service in return. Yet these faggots aren't professional in anything, only at hyping themselves up and at deceiving social retards.
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Hahaha! I used to be hooked on David DeAngelo (AKA Eben Pagen), those were the days, seminars and talks on my walkman all day lmao. He did actually help me tons though, I'm not even joking, even though I'm certain he can't be getting much action.
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I'm sure I read somewhere that despite (or maybe because) of their intensive training with Mystery, these guys
couldn't get any numbers or lays.
Jeez, that's not good for a show called "The Pick-up Artist"
@ MurdocIsGod, I still have his mastery series on my ipod. I want to upload the first 3 disks for the guys on here because it helped my life immensly.
I also have his advanced dating and seduction on my ipod. I find about 20 percent of it really useful.
The man has some good shit, its just... not all helpful.
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Good post, Paul
It will be interesting to see where the community goes in the next 5 years. It's really difficult to see but the big three (Venusian Arts, LS, RSD) are all doing really well right now but I agree in that people will realize its better and they get more out of paying some guy in their city a few hundred dollars versus a few thousand
Mystery gets a TON of guys on his bootcamps/seminars. Like 50 in each Miami and NYC.
But it will be interesting to see where it goes